Legacy System Conversions

Ensure your operation stays on track.

System conversions can disrupt billing operations, leading to errors, unfinished tasks, and missed chances. Our conversion team ensures the smooth handling of existing accounts during migration, with expertise in multiple systems to manage legacy collections effectively. This lets your team focus on new technology.

Our transition approach allows your staff to concentrate on mastering the new system without the added burden of managing legacy accounts. We implement a 90/60/30 account phasing strategy to ensure no disruption to your cash flow, prevents revenue leakage, and maintains a superior experience for your patients, while your team receives dedicated training and support.

Minimize Risk

We provide you peace of mind that your risks are minimized, and your resources properly utilized during this pivotal time.

Flexible Technology

Your legacy accounts may be worked exclusively within your host system or in our Artiva system, depending on your conversion process.

A La Carte Support

We will work all accounts for you, or you can choose support based on age, balance, and payer.

Migration Safety Net

An ongoing safety net is provided until your system migration is complete and you choose to continue independently.

Ready to Learn More?

If you have staffing challenges, we can help. We will create a custom solution that fits your specific needs. Contact us today to set up a brief discovery meeting.

Our Unique Approach

MedCycle Management maintains strict standards for our team, methods, and technology, ensuring the right talent is in the right roles, and fully equipped for success. Our motivating environment and strategic management integration heighten efficiency and effectiveness. Our main goal is to offer personalized revenue cycle services to hospitals and physician groups to minimize inventory and boost revenue, setting us apart in healthcare finance management.